Gordon Crossland

Life Membership Citation – Gordon Crossland

Gordon is a modest and quiet achiever who has contributed much to the McCrae Yacht Club for over 25 years.

He joined the Club in October 1989 with wife Jill and children Michael and Kathryn. Gordon and Michael attended Sailing School in their Pacer “Maple Leaf”. That name giving a clue to his Canadian heritage. Despite Michael’s best efforts Gordon was not an outstanding sailor and he soon moved to crewing patrol boats. However, he and Michael did win the S.E.A. Award in 1993.

Gordon undertook a patrol boat course at the Club and when asked by instructor John Mason to drive the boat directly into a big northerly swell he did as instructed….but at full throttle. The idea was so he could appreciate the better option of  a 45 degrees approach. The boat completely left the water and two of the crew ended up in hospital after a very heavy landing and blood in the cockpit which led to a Commodorial Enquiry.

When Jill passed away and the children had left the nest, Gordon was left on his own. A few years later Gordon met Margaret, they married and Gordon thus acquired a reliable crew for the patrol boat he was skippering – and a wonderful partner.

Gordon served on the Sailing Committee from 1995 until 2002 including 2 years as Club Captain.  From there he moved to the General Committee and served as Honorary Secretary for 12 years until 2012/13. In 2013/14 Gordon took on the role of Commodore at a time when the Club needed it most. 

Gordon has been crewing and skippering on the Club Patrol boats for over 25 years and can been seen nearly every Saturday and most Regattas usually with Margaret alongside.  He provides sound and calm advice for all our race officers as the long term skipper of the start boat. Gordon was awarded the John Stanway Memorial Trophy twice and the White Knight Award once.

He is a worthy recipient of a Life Membership.


Commodore  2013-14
Club Captain 2000-02
Sailing Committee    1995-02
Club Secretary 2002-13
Regular Patrol boat skipper 25 years
S.E.A. award 1993
John Stanway Memorial Trophy 1993/94 & 2007-08
White Knight award 2015-16


We plan on attaching peoples stories of Gordon here. Please email them through to Alona in the office.